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4th SLIIT International Conference On ENGINEERING AND

Next Generation Engineering for Digital and Sustainable Solutions

9th -12th September in Colombo, Sri Lanka


Inauguration Ceremony

Venue - Waters Edge, Battaramulla

5.30 pm - 6.00 pmRegistration and Refreshments
6.00 pm - 6.05 pmWelcome Guests
6.05 pm - 6.15 pmNational Anthem and Lighting of Oil Lamp
6.15 pm - 6.20 pmWelcome by the Dean/Faculty of Engineering
6.20 pm - 6.25 pmAddress by the Vice Chancellor
6.25 pm -6.30 pmAddress by the Chancellor
6.30 pm - 6.40 pmEntertainment Item
6.40 pm - 6.50 pmAddress by the Chief Guest - Mrs. Thilaka Jayasundara, Secretary, Ministry of Education
6.50 pm - 7.20 pmKeynote Address by Dr. Tilak Siyambalapitiya
7.20 pm - 7.30 pmPresentation of SLIIT Engineering Excellence Award(s)
7.30 pm - 7.40 pmSponsor video presentations
7.40 pm - 8.10 pmKeynote Address by Dr. Karl Jones, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
8.10 pm - 8.15 pmVote of Thanks by the Conference Chair
8.15 pm - 10.00 pmFellowship and Networking

Technical Sessions and Closing Ceremony

Venue – SLIIT, Malabe

9.00 am - 12.00 pmTechnical Sessions
12.00 pm - 1.00 pmIndustry Exhibition
1.00 pm - 2.30 pmLunch
2.30 pm - 2.35 pmWelcome by the Conference Chair
2.35 pm - 2.40 pmBriefing on Evaluation Criteria by the Publication Chair
2.40 pm - 2.50 pmAwarding of Certificates for the Best Papers
2.50 pm - 2.55 pmVote of Thanks by the Conference Secretary
2.55 pm - 3.00 pmGroup Portrait
3.00 pmRefreshments